General Information

The Municipality of Argyle has made a commitment to become a more sustainable community. The first step down this path was to approve an pdf Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (1.94 MB)  in March 2015. Also, the pdf Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) (5.41 MB) and pdf Land Use By-Law (LUB) (4.90 MB) were recently reviewed and updated in 2023.

What kind of community do you want for your children and grandchildren? The Planning Advisory Committee has been appointed by Council as the committee to oversee this planning process. All PAC meetings are open to the public and held on the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Council chambers of the municipal building in Tusket. 

The Municipal Planning Strategy is designed to address, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. future land use within the municipality,
  2. The manner of, and proposals for, future development in the municipality,
  3. co-ordination of land use, future growth patterns, and other infrastructure with adjacent municipalities if there is no inter-municipal development plan, with respect to those matters in those municipalities,
  4. provision of required transportation systems, either generally or specifically, within the municipality and in relation to adjacent municipalities, and
  5. provision of municipal services and facilities either generally or specifically.

The Land Use Bylaw provides information and guidance for development and subdivisions within the Municipality.

Amendments to zoning and to the Land Use Bylaw as well as all development and subdivisions within the Municipality are looked after by the Planning and Development Department.

Coastal Hazard Map

This Coastal Hazard Map is a new tool you can use to make informed decisions and support action.

The map shows the worst-case scenario: what sea level rise and storm surge could look like during a high tide in the year 2100. This information is currently shown up to 100 metres inland, along the province’s coast. This is where impacts will be felt the most.

You can look at information in this tool in a variety of ways. You can look up a community, civic address or property identification number (PID) and move around the map, zooming in and out to see larger areas. If you look up a property and then click on it, you will see the number of metres of flooding that are projected in the year 2100, from highest tide, storm surge and sea level rise combined.